Cannabis, Drugs Truth or Dare!

The real danger to society is prohibition. It triggers violence in our
streets and across our borders. The drug war fuels corruption of public
officials and injustice in our courts. The statistics reveal that racism is
epidemic in the drug war. It's the elephant in the living room being ignored this election year.

Problems don't go away just because the government makes them illegal; they just go underground. Then a black market creates worse problems; since sellers cannot rely on police to protect their property, they arm themselves and form gangs. The more despicable sellers recruit minors to sell to their peers, charge monopoly prices and kill the competition. Some buyers steal to pay the high prices.

Thousands of ex-narcotics officers now realize prohibition's legacy is legend in the waste of our precious lives and resources. Deaths and needless injuries happen too often in botched paramilitary drug raids. Overzealous, unconscionable to the extreme, situations are occurring! They have joined together to form Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.

Considering the facts: Obama and Palin admit to having used marijuana when younger, the McCain's wealth comes from alcohol drug dealing, Mrs. McCain's past prescription drug problems and America has become the most incarcerated nation in history; why isn't drug law reform for nonviolent users a top issue in this election year?

LEAP suggest you mail every candidate you are considering supporting on Election Day. Click here to copy and paste their recommendations for your letter. This is our chance to make LEAP known to many politicians at a time when they are likely to pay attention. Write or call your elected officials today: US Senators US Representatives Texas Officials.

A regulated market is safer because it means buyers are more assured of product purity and potency. Patients get good safe medicine, governments get sales tax. It is safer for society because law enforcement can focus on DUI and crimes involving violence. LEAP says it will cut crime by half ! Black market profits will no longer support terrorists and other violent despicable sellers.

Alcohol and psychotropic pharmaceuticals trigger violence in our homes and schools. This focus of our limited resources on so-called illicit drug use does not make our children safer.

Across the US last year 38.8% of the murders, 60% of the rapes and 45.9% of the aggravated assaults became cold case files! The cumulative effect of this is horrendous.

While we police nonviolent social, medicinal and religious use of drugs;
murderers and violent sexual predators roam free. The cumulative effect is truly becoming unconscionable. This policy bordering on insanity obviously is not the best use of our limited resources or making our neighborhoods safer. Get tough on violent offenders.

Servants of tyranny support continuing this abomination of a drug war. Servants of the people support reform to a better drug policy that truly makes our neighborhoods safer. Restore justice in America; construct science based drug policies about saving and rehabilitating instead of ruining lives. Allow nonviolent adults to take responsibility for their own choices.

Cannabis oil is that cure all some of our ancestors used! Thank God, they did not let us all be brain washed into forgetfulness about the wonder of it! Oooops they spill the beans, in spite of the oppression promoted by medical profiteers.

Education is the key to ending drug abuse. "Knowledge will forever govern ignorance..." according to James Madison, the primary author of the Constitution of the United States. "Knowledge is contagious infect truth!" is a successful campaign against tobacco use and could be our guiding light for future fights to save lives and prevent abuse.

Truth is paramount for parents, teachers and officials to be effective in promoting good health choices. The current DARE program falls far short of this goal. Across the nation reform organizations have worked to promote change this November. One group of DARE generation students banded together to form Student's for Sensible Drug Policy.

Abstinence from recreational drugs is safest for all, especially youth but
few will choose it. Parents do need to set an example for their children.
However, most parents who use drugs and alcohol do not abuse them. They are responsible drug users, especially marijuana or cannabis users as it is the safest choice.

In the 31st District of Texas we have a former law enforcement officer, Barry Cooper running for US Representative against incumbent, John Carter. Barry says, "Teaching your kids the truth is paramount in terms of properly raising your child!!! My parents, teachers and clergy lied to me. Don't lie to your kids.... Our current economic crisis, the 700 billion dollar bailout plan, should be proof enough to confirm or convince you our government cannot be trusted!'

"We also know the War on Drugs is heavily propagated by many government programs including D.A.R.E." Cooper wants this to change, check out the letter he sent to school with his 5th grader regarding D.A.R.E. If you agree, copy it and send one in with your child.

Effective drug education based on medical science builds student's
confidence to make informed responsible choices. Present policy falsehoods and scare tactics undermine our credibility. We want to encourage drug free behavior not awaken their curiosity. Truth, trust and reason encourage open communications between youth, parents and faculties.

The Global Cannabis Commission says there is No Justification for Jailing for Pot Possession While not firmly advocating one policy alternative, the report lays out many advantages to a system of legal regulation like that used for alcohol. "If something is not legal, you can't regulate it very effectively." - Prof. Robin Room, School of Population Health, University of Melbourne

Austin police are planning a 'cite and release' policy for lawbreakers busted for possession of small amounts of marijuana or for spray painting graffiti; they will likely be spared a trip to jail. This could eventually become the policy statewide.

The drug war has made the US a prison kingdom. Texas has the highest incarceration rate in the world! We have ten times the incarceration rate of Communist China!

U.S. police arrested an estimated 873,000 persons for marijuana violations in 2007, according to the latest FBI annual Uniform Crime Report. That total, the highest ever recorded for marijuana violations, made up 42.1 percent of all drug arrests.

Jiminey Cricket, where is John "Pinocchio" Walters conscience? Someone needs to knock, knock, take off his rose colored glasses.

He must be blinded by the light of billions in tax and lobby money, bleeding leaders thus corrupted are blithely unconscious of the societal harm their policies cause. Too, many of today's leaders seem to have minds like concrete; thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.

Big government lies to us and plays on our fears to make us more agreeable to their waste of our precious lives and resources. Perhaps you thought Uncle Sam was a benevolent spirit but the truth is throughout history, big government has caused more harm than good; often hiding tyranny under the guise of good intentions.

The Spirit of 1776 was the Holy Spirit and is our true North. The real
visionaries, who laid down our laws, those who defined what an American patriot would be, were rebels with just cause. They made it not just our right but our patriotic duty to rebel against big government corruption. It was revolutionary, a giant step away from tyranny! Our founders knew big government would always mean a gang of evildoers.

Uncle Sam is way too big for his britches. We are going back to the people are grand and government is small plan, the revolutionary idea of self government.

Visionary James Madison, also stated: "We have staked the whole future of all our political constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments."

Join the Love Revolution! "It is in the universal adoption of the Golden Rule that reform stands the best chance of ending the War on Drugs. This ancient phrase encapsulates the best of humanity and serves as the basis for human rights." - Mark Greer, Executive Director, DrugSense

"There's something exciting in the air," Congressman Ron Paul told a cheering audience. "A revolutionary spirit has erupted, and it will not be suppressed. We are involved in a historic event." He formally kicked off his Campaign for Liberty with the motto: "The Revolution Continues."

Revolution is Easy in this age of mass communication. Exercising your political might is just a click away. What this country needs are more unemployed politicians - Edward Langley, Artist (1928 - 1995)

Find out If Drug Reform Is on a Ballot Near You -- Voter Guide

Get tough on violent crime and let nonviolent people make their own health choices.

Save the children, just say NO to prohibition!
Trigger less violence, racism, tyranny and ruined lives!

Compiled and written by Colleen McCool



Election '08, Texas 31st District, US Representative, Barry Cooper, science, compassion, health, human rights, government, police, corruption, violence, cannabis, drugs, reform, policy, Constitution, Ron Paul