Nearly 1 billion people still lack access to clean water! It is shocking and disheartening that even today unsafe water causes a litany of struggles, diseases and even death. Every week, nearly 38,000 children under the age of 5 die from unsafe drinking water and unhygienic living conditions. Organizations like and charity: water are bringing fresh water to communities in the developing world.

"Laws control the lesser man... Right conduct controls the greater one," declared Mark Twain, the man whose pen-name means "safe water." He humbly asserts, "My books are like water; those of the great geniuses are wine. (Fortunately) everybody drinks water."

Save the children, everyone has a right to fresh water!

The propaganda is we wage the drug war to protect our children. The devastating and deadly facts are our babies, especially teens have become collateral damage in this grossly failed war.

The death and devastation begins on kids before they are even born; mothers on drugs are afraid to go to doctors for fear of being arrested or having their babies taken away from them, their fetuses have higher incidences of birth defects, premature births, and miscarriages. The drugs don't cause these problems; it's the lack of prenatal care.

Kids placed in foster care when their parents are incarcerated for drug use have four times the death rate of kids left with their parents. We have deprived millions of children and teenagers of their imprisoned parent(s). Much worse, this drug war has created an obscene teenage murder rate that's nineteen times higher than in the Netherlands, where drugs are legally available to everyone over eighteen.

The war waged by Mexican drug cartels has resulted in more than 610 children's deaths and more than 3,700 children have been left orphans as a result of the violence or execution of their parents. Many minors who are orphaned have been psychologically scarred after witnessing violent actions against their relatives.

The horrific carnage is triggered by the new prohibition and fueled by official lawlessness. The Mexican military reported that 420 children who had been recruited have died in the clashes between rival groups. There were many examples of adolescents between the ages of 14 and 17 dying in fierce battles with the drug traffickers or being tortured and killed as paybacks between feuding clans.

Only 50 percent of high school students graduate in our ten biggest cities and only 40 per cent graduate in NYC, Baltimore and Detroit. In the Netherlands 92 percent graduate; that's No Child Left Behind!

We need to fight drug abuse with compassion; treat nonviolent abusers as patients not criminals. Fight use with factual evidence! We are diminishing the use of tobacco with the campaign, Knowledge is Contagious, so Infect Truth! Educate people with science based truth and they will make better choices for themselves.

True education is our most important duty; the way out of ignorance and repression. Do not doubt history will mark this time as a new beginning for a period of enlightenment and abundance.

Stephen H. Frye, M.D. Retired medical school professor has written a book giving many of the facts quoted here. It is titled: We Really Lost This War! Twenty-five Reasons to Legalize Drugs.

Save the children, just say NO to prohibition! Trigger less violence, official lawlessness, racism, tyranny and ruined lives!

The truth is out and spreading like wildfire! Cannabis cures cancer! This truth will not be suppressed, until every household knows the clamor, the swelling protest, exposing dark, dirty secrets of heinous crimes against humanity! Does anyone you know or love have cancer? It is down right sinister, a crime against humanity, for the medicinal uses of cannabis to be suppressed.

The debate over medical marijuana or cannabis is really a scandalous controversy over whether this inexpensive, effective, safe, very easy to grow herb should be allowed to compete with expensive, dangerous, possibly fatal pharmaceuticals and social drugs for pennies on the dollar!

Harassing the sick and dying citizens or veterans is an un-American activity! It is overkill and morally bankrupt to arrest nonviolent people for making a safer health choice, cannabis or marijuana, compared to other medicinal/social drugs. The people believe in self-government and self-medication.

Why let murderers and other violent predators roam free, while we police nonviolent adult social, medicinal and religious drug use? Regulation, science based education and treating abuse as a medical problem is a better drug policy that increases public safety and harm reduction plus frees up billions in wasted funds to use incarcerating the violent and sexual predators.

Despite having six times their adult incarceration rate our adult murder rate is four times higher than in the Netherlands where drugs are regulated, controlled and taxed for those over 18. Now is the time to insist American warriors get their adrenaline rush catching murderers and other violent predators. I understand that it will not be possible to stop all murders and rapes. However, get tough on violent crime! Restore Justice, the guardian of liberty!

The ravages of homemade meth can disappear like the deaths and blindness caused by bathtub gin ended after repeal of alcohol prohibition. Overdose deaths were unheard of before this war because overdoses were reported to medical personnel without fear of arrest.

Drug prohibition has turned a million of our teenagers into drug dealers, many in deadly drug gangs that have four times the death rate of Texas death row prisoners.

Brutal, morally bankrupt, prohibition supports despicable people who sell drugs to children, recruit them to sell to their peers and arm them to kill the competition. Across America paramilitary drug raids trigger violence rather than lessen the risk. Again, overkill, to use such force on a nonviolent health issue. All this unconscionable bloodshed is on the hands of leadership as much as those who pulled the trigger or contributed to the endless bloody slaughter. It is a policy created problem! We are all caught betwixt and between in this scandalous senseless war on some drugs.

Our demented out-of-control drug policies' monetary and environmental costs are staggering and the human suffering is unconscionable. The destruction of the sacred family unit is one of the worst consequences of prohibition.

Help end this irrational policy by writing letters with the help of DrugSense.

Six drug former czars composed an OpEd for the Los Angeles Times, laying out their senseless opposition to Prop 19. Just say NO to drug czars and warriors! Just say NOW to Prop 19!

In Oregon a Citizens' Initiative Review panel voted in support of Measure 74.

Colorado voters will be busy this fall deciding a variety of local initiatives. Passage of one measure would allow "medical marijuana-infused products manufacturers within the City of Ouray. However, voters in at least seven other Counties could ban dispensaries all together!

While DrugSense provides this information for free, it's not free to produce. Please support their unique way of following ballot initiatives by making a generous donation. They are an educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so your contribution is both tax deductible and funds a great cause.

Go to these links for details concerning ballot initiatives in California, Oregon, and Colorado along with others in Arizona and South Dakota. Just say NO to any more wasted resources, unnecessary violence and destruction of lives and families! Just say NOW to Prop 19!

Volunteer for Online Phone Bank Training. Watch this video then go to and signed up. It is an easy process. You may call from any state.

"During my 18 years of police service I was dispatched to zero calls generated by the use of pot. Alcohol use generated some 1300, including murder, suicide, rape, child abuse, felonious, aggravated and simple assault/battery. Pot is a much safer drug than alcohol both for the user and those around them." Detective/Officer Howard Wooldridge (retired) Drug Policy Specialist at COP, CitizensOpposingProhibition, noted recently. Howard is in California now getting a lot of press and garnering support for Prop 19.

We have the factual information available. Let's construct science based drug policies about saving and rehabilitating instead of ruining lives. Drug treatment is at least five times less costly than prison. Change to ethical policy and show fiscal responsibility!

We are rebels with just cause, when we exercise our right to nullify bad laws like those brave jurors who refused to convict during the Fugitive Slave Act and until FDR said the Volstead Act was licked! Jury nullification is a constitutional power tool we the people pack.

I agree with Glenn Greenwald who wrote The Wars on Drugs and Terror: are mirror images! Tell Congress to be brave; win the war on terror by NOT being afraid

Morally bankrupt profiteers are destroying the American dream of self government, free of tyranny and oppression. The Constitution doesn't authorize Congress to subsidize industries or grant special favors for particular businesses. Many Legislators are outright servants of tyranny; good at ignoring the rule of law, history and science while catering to the needs of special interests but very bad at determining what is best or safer for the individual or society.

If you believe power corrupts Downsize DC recognizes your genius! Strike the root, downsize DC!

In National Geographic's Stress: Portrait of a Killer (2008TV-PG ) Stanford University neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky reveals just how dangerous prolonged exposure to stress can be and looks at the latest science to see what researchers are learning about this insidiously silent killer. He has studied baboon society for 30 years and compares their stress levels in the hierarchy of their social structure to those individuals in British civil service.

A most fascinating segment dealt with his first baboon troop ten years into the study when all alpha males died due to ingesting tuberculosis infected meat someone dumped in their territory. The remaining less aggressive males caused less stress being passed down the pecking order. This lower stress level remains in this baboon troop 20 years later.

Violent, hate filled, morally bankrupt, authoritarian warmongers are a different species than us, mere human beings. They use fear and propaganda to make us more accepting of their waste of our precious lives and resources. They are the opposite of true patriots; who believe in the American dream of self government and value public safety first!

Track your Senators' and Representative's votes by e-mail

Changing who's in charge will not affect much. The real cause of this huge quagmire of failed policy is the beast, big government, that money hungry beast, Uncle Sam! Ma Freedom tells it like it is! The beauty of it is when we focus on down-sizing our government we regain our roots of self-government and secure the blessings of liberty for future generations and ourselves.

Compiled and written by Colleen McCool

Safe Water, Safer Foreign & Domestic Policies

science, compassion, health, human rights, government, police, corruption, violence, drugs, reform, policy, Constitution, , Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Afghanistan, war, peace