PROMISES to KEEP!!! Official Lawlessness, Violence Runs Riot around the Globe!

We are looking for a Commander and chief of peace. President Obama has taken the first step toward closing Guantanamo. Please take action today and thank him for taking this step and urge him to end the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have abandoned our Constitution and the founder's ideal of nonintervention.

Ask your Congress Critters to support President Obama's drug policy reform agenda. It includes eliminating the crack/powder cocaine sentencing disparity, repealing the federal ban on funding needle exchange programs, and ending the Justice Department's war on medical marijuana patients in California and elsewhere.

Yet, in the first days of the new Administration the Drug Enforcement Agency raided a medical cannabis dispensary in Tahoe, California, in direct conflict with President Obama's numerous campaign promises like, "The Justice Department going after sick individuals using this as a palliative (cloak) instead of going after serious criminals makes no sense."

I looked up pal·li·ate. Obama is saying the Justice Dept.'s use of the arrests of nonviolent ill people to try to mitigate or conceal the gravity of the policy triggered violence is senseless.

Write the White House or call! Phone Numbers 9am - 5pm M-F
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
Comments: 202-456-6213
Visitors Office: 202-456-2121

Plead with President Obama to issue an immediate suspension of all
federal funds used to investigate, intimidate, arrest, or prosecute
individuals who use or provide medical cannabis in accordance with their state laws. Ask the President to show himself to be a true servant of the people and grant pardons for medical marijuana providers already in prison.

Arresting nonviolent people for making a safer health choice, cannabis or marijuana, compared to other medicinal/social drugs is scandalous reefer madness. We are punishing people because servants of tyranny ignore science in naming marijuana or cannabis unwise when in fact it is a scientifically proven safer, wiser health choice, compared to legal alternatives. Marijuana is less addicting than caffeine and has never caused an overdose death.

Taking children from the homes of parents who made a safer health choice in a medicinal or recreational drug is insane policy. Taking property from these same, destroyed by government families, is legalized extortion! This is a bigger scandal than sex in the oval office.

Medical marijuana is a safer replacement for very dangerous drugs.
Cannabis / marijuana medicines were once the "drugs of choice" in the United States, until they were declared illegal. They had been used for 100 specific medical problems through the use of about 30 prescription medicines.

Further, beg our first minority president to end the worst public policy since slavery; repeal prohibition. Murderers and violent sexual predators roam free, while we police nonviolent social, medicinal and religious drug use. As President Obama pointed out, this is not the best use of our limited resources.

"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a
species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of
reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded."
- Abraham Lincoln (1809-65) U.S. President.

Get tough on violent crime, truly make our neighborhoods and children safer. We want a better drug policy. We want a Commandeer and Chief of Peace; we have had enough of servants of tyranny and oppression.

Abuse of drugs is a health issue not a criminal one. If you research it you will find that there were few overdose deaths before prohibition. New Mexico has passed legislation to protect Good Samaritan 911 Calls (for alcohol and drug overdose cases) from "drug crime"prosecution. Many European countries have had similar policy for decades.

Our current policies send the message to our young people that alcohol and pharmaceuticals are a safer choice, not true! The tobacco, alcohol and prescription drug gangs cause more death annually than all illicit drugs.

We need to repeal the whole war on drugs," said Doctor Ron Paul.. "This is a disease, not a crime." We will do a better job preventing overdose deaths, of keeping intoxicated folks off the road and our children drug free with compassionate policy offering helpful treatment.

Cannabis oil is that cure all some of our ancestors used! Thank God, they did not let us all be brain washed into forgetfulness about the wonder of it! Oooops they spill the beans, in spite of the oppression promoted by medical profiteers. It is a bigger disgrace than sex in the oval office!

Responsible adults deserve the right to choose their own social or medicinal intoxicant. We deserve the right to the best buy on our medicines worldwide. Americans deserve better protection from violence, especially our children and babies! We deserve better protection from fraud, especially government moralizing and propaganda.

Most Americans realize Mexico's and our corrupt officials are in bed
together! Corruption is rampant, official lawlessness rules as it did during alcohol prohibition. Shame on US! How did this happen; US, the evil empire? Americans live in fear of an ever-expanding and ever more corrupt big government.

The City Council of El Paso, Texas unanimously passed a resolution calling for a national discussion of drug legalization. The mayor swiftly vetoed it, calling supporters of the resolution "pot heads."

Nubia Legarda's family lives in the El Paso's sister city across the border, Ciudad Juárez. Gruesome blood baths have become commonplace in Juárez. The violence is triggered by drug prohibition. Nubia joined Students for Sensible Drug Policy last year and called the national office for help preparing her remarks to the City Council last week.

Nubia's comments to the council and the local news told it like it is. Beto O'Rourke, the the Councilman that proposed the resolution, said that Nubia's testimony was "among the most effective in showing how destructive and unproductive our current drug policy is.

Prohibition triggers violence in our streets and along our borders. It fuels corruption of public officials and injustice in our courts. It incites
terrorists by forcing senseless policy on other countries. The black market supports despicable people who sell to children and who recruit them to sell to their peers. The statistics reveal that racism is epidemic in the drug war. Servants of tyranny support continuation of this policy bordering on insanity!

Official lawlessness and violence runs riot; people just disappear. Amnesty Internationals statistics on the disappeared around the globe are very disquieting.

"There's something called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is due to upsetting memories that stay around too long. Normally, when there is trauma people slowly forget it. This is true for humans and it's true for animals. But if the animals do not have an endocannabinoid system, they do not forget bad memories... So I expect that the endocannabinoid system is not in good shape in those post-traumatic patients, and chances are that it will work in treating them. We are just about to develop a treatment. People that have PTSD claim that the only thing that helps them is smoking marijuana, so chances are that cannabinoid treatment may help them." Dr. Mechoulam, the first to synthesize THC.

Our Troops deserve medicines that work and that are safe. We are seeing too many suicides and too much violence from veterans. Pharmaceuticals and alcohol are responsible in many cases. Cannabis or marijuana is a more effective and safer treatment for the individual as well as society. Alcohol makes domestic violence eight times more likely marijuana does not.

Science says all addicts have a genetic inclination and have suffered a
trauma trigger. The drug war is a persecution of these tortured, sick
individuals. Drug abuse is a deficiency disease. People don't quit their
drug of choice until the body is making the missing chemicals in sufficient quantities.

The Max Planck Institute for the advancement of science has shown that the cannabinoid receptor plays an important role in erasing fear behavior. Researchers hope these findings will lead to new approaches for the treatment of certain kinds of chronic pain, phobias and post traumatic stress disorder.

Some scientists speculate that cannabinoids play a protective role in the brain, slowing the rate of disease. Others say these naturally occurring chemicals in the human body mimic the effects of plant cannabinoids and moderate human emotions, control anxiety and help to maintain a stable, constant emotional condition. How about that? It sounds like it might be used to treat bipolar disorder.

Patients all over the world testify to Cannabis' help in treating chronic
pain, multiple sclerosis, gastrointestinal (GI) tract disorders and
HIV/AIDS! Most recently a study has shown THC is far more effective than available Alzheimer's drugs to treat symptoms and halt the disease's progression.

Downsize big government! Servants of tyranny play on our fears to make us more accepting of their waste of our precious lives and resources. Violence, and corruption triggered by the drug war will end with repeal just as these policy created problems disappeared with repeal of alcohol prohibition.

Prohibition equates nonviolent social, medicinal or religious use with
abuse. Save the children, just say NO to prohibition! Law Enforcement Against Prohibition has kicked off the 'We Can Do It Again' project, calling for an end to drug prohibition. Trigger less violence, racism, tyranny and ruined lives! We CAN do it again!

Here's a real cowboy hero, riding for freedom to save justice in America. Howard Wooldridge, from Ft. Worth originally, road his horses across the US and it took them three years to cross the county as a promotional event for LEAP. He has received an award from the Long Rider's Assoc. for his effort. He shares McCool's Rebel with Just Cause Award for 2006 with Cindy Sheehan. This award honors true patriots, those stood for freedom and those still standing.

Howard is our man in Washington these days, read his newsletter, LEAP on the HILL.

"Knowledge is contagious infect truth!" is a successful campaign against tobacco use and could be our guiding light for future fights to save lives and prevent abuse. In the spirit of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. with our Bible and Constitution always close at hand, "We will overcome," drug abuse with compassion, science based education and treatment.

Parents or students do not necessarily hold the same values as the
politically and economically powerful who run our government. A separation of school and state might be in our future to insure students of free speech and a propaganda free education.

Effective drug education based on medical science builds student's
confidence to make informed responsible choices. Present policy falsehoods and scare tactics undermine our credibility. We want to encourage drug free behavior not awaken their curiosity. Truth, trust and reason encourage open communications between youth, parents and faculties.

The web is the fastest growing communications medium in the history of the world. A powerful tool, a window of opportunity, in our war of good over evil; the Internet continues to revolutionize the way we communicate and has enormous potential for reshaping the political process.

They were good Christian men led by the holy spirit but money the root of all evil was part of it. They wanted to create the land of abundance. They knew ethics would have to rule for it to work. The Spirit of '76 is the Holy Spirit and our true north.

They believed in individual rights and knew individualism would lead to a diverse and strong economy. Who said individualism seeks to "disturb monotony of type, slavery of custom, tyranny of habit, and the reduction of man to the level of a machine."?

Throughout history, big government has caused more harm than good; often hiding tyranny under the guise of good intentions. Our founders knew big government would always mean a gang of evildoers.

The Bible says, "without a vision the people parish". Our founders' vision of self-government; of an America free of big government oppression and tyranny is the one true patriots still hold dear. Join the Easy Revolution!

Take heart, the American vision or dream comes directly from God and our united spirits have the power to accomplish it. Spirit filled leaders are channels for Good Orderly Direction! The "Spirit of '76" was and is the Holy Spirit! Return to these roots and the task ahead of us will never be as great as the Power behind us! Ethics will rule America and we will be a true example of liberty to the world.

Servants of tyranny responsible for current quagmire will one-day answer to a higher power for their crimes against humanity. It's time to end the terror by changing our intrusive, big-bully policies, both foreign and domestic. The monetary and environmental costs are staggering and the human suffering unconscionable. Take action, now, join the Campaign For Liberty!

Here is the complete quote and who said it, "Art is individualism, and individualism is a disturbing and disintegrating force. There lies its immense value. For what it seeks is to disturb monotony of type, slavery of custom, tyranny of habit, and the reduction of man to the level of a machine." -- Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

Compiled and written by Colleen McCool

science, compassion, health, human rights, government, police, corruption, violence, drugs, reform, policy, Constitution, Ron Paul, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition