Morally bankrupt tobacco sellers figured in the deaths of 435 thousand of our people in 2000, the good news is that statistic is going down. We need to fight drug abuse with compassion; treat nonviolent abusers as patients not criminals. Fight use with factual evidence! We are diminishing the use of tobacco with the campaign, Knowledge is Contagious, so Infect Truth! Educate people and they will make better choices for themselves.

True education is our most important duty; the way out of ignorance and repression. Do not doubt history will mark this time as a new beginning for a period of enlightenment and abundance.

I have always believed in the power of positive thinking, dreaming, envisioning! Scientists now say our bodies, every single cell, are in a constant state of renewal to optimum health and aging is caused by outside influences and belief systems. They say theoretically it is possible to maintain optimum health throughout your life if you get the proper nutrition, exercise and strongly believe you can do it!

Good luck with that! Today's corporate junk food, tasteless fruits and vegetables, almost nutritionless food supply needs to be replaced by local farmers markets and our own fruit, vegetable and herb gardens. Refined sugar, trans fat or poor diet and lack of exercise killed a thousand people a day in 2000.

Alcohol use lead to the death of 85 thousand of us, pathogenic microbes killed 75 thousand, poisons took the life of 55 thousand in 2000, the most recent statistics available. Reaction to prescription drugs took the lives of 32 thousand poor souls.

Thirty thousand more took their own lives and guns were involved in another 29 thousand deaths. Car wrecks account for 26 thousand people dying. Twenty thousand deaths resulted from risky sexual behavior and another 20 thousand people were murdered. These are annual numbers, think of the cumulative effect.

You can go to Drug War Facts to find these and other statistics of interest. Illicit drugs took fewer lives than all the above mentioned problems at 17 thousand lives lost. Aspirin and similar products killed over 7,600. Marijuana has never killed anyone!

Weed out morally bankrupt servants of tyranny, gun control fanatics and racists by taking away the main tool they use these days to extend their agenda, the new prohibition.

Keeping families together is a cornerstone of our society, and it's supposed to be a foundation of our policies. The sad reality is that families are under attack in this country right now. They're threatened by drug and immigration raids that rip families apart.

The statistics reveal that bigotry, intolerance, racial prejudice and discrimination are epidemic in the drug war. The new prohibition fuels corruption of public officials and injustice in our courts. The official lawlessness exposed in Tenaha, Tulia, etc. is the tip of the corruption iceberg. Help end asset forfeiture!

When we enacted the first drug laws in 1914, 1.3% of America was addicted. When the current insane policy began in the '70s that figure remained the same and it remains so today after 39 million arrests. This policy is the very definition of insanity.

The tobacco, alcohol and prescription drug gangs cause more death annually than all illicit drugs The worst public policy since slavery disregards science and punishes families of nonviolent citizens, confiscating their property for making a safer health choice in a social or medicinal drug; that is pretty insane as well!

Users have been around for eons without this violent bloodletting except during the first "Noble" experiment. Morally bankrupt servants of tyranny support prohibition under the guise of good intentions, a con used by them throughout history to make us more accepting of their waste of our precious lives and resources.

Research shows little or no overdose deaths before prohibition. Currently bodies pile up like cordwood or holocaust victims (more than 33,000 precious lives lost in 2005).

It is really misleading to call it a drug war or drug fueled violence. The
horrific carnage is triggered by the new prohibition and fueled by official

Across America paramilitary drug raids trigger violence rather than lessen the risk. It is called, "Overkill" to use such force on a nonviolent health issue. Please contact your Legislators: US Senate, House, TX Senate, House.

How Would You Change Our Prison System? take the Parade poll. Why We Must Fix Our Prisons is a insightful article in Parade magazine by Senator Jim Webb. Over population is a policy created nightmare. Help restore justice.

The debate over medical marijuana or cannabis is really a scandalous controversy over whether this very easy-to-grow herb should be allowed to compete with pharmaceuticals for pennies on the dollar.

Harassing the sick and dying is an un-American activity.

Texas Legislature is considering medical marijuana reform. Ask your representative to support House Bill 164.

Adult legal social use could cause less alcohol consumption. That would be a good thing for public safety as studies have shown alcohol increases violent, aggressive behavior marijuana does not. Maybe it would mean less people driving under the influence of alcohol.

HB 902 has high hopes of amending minor marijuana possession penalties to a maximum fine of $500, but no jail time so join the easy revolution click that link, write your rep.

You can join this site and make a Bill list for those you want to watch. The stages tab will tell you how far along it is toward becoming law. Encourage your Texas Senators to create similar legislation to move HBs 164 and 902 through the stages to become law.

Needle-exchange programs are the compassionate thing to do. They are safer for society and the individual. Treating AIDS is expensive, providing sterile syringes to addicts is a cheap and effective way to curb the epidemic and save many lives. Yet, the United States has used its influence in the United Nations to prevent countries that receive UN aid from distributing sterile syringes for disease prevention.

Please support TX SB 188 Encourage your Texas Representatives to move HB 142 along to the next stage, let it become law to increase public safety and help stop the spread of AIDS and hepatitis C.

Thank you for your consideration of this policy created nightmare, and I hope you will help restore justice; trigger less violence, official lawlessness, racism, tyranny and ruined lives by working to make full repeal of the new prohibition happen as soon as possible.

The fear propaganda and outright lies that extend the drug war, the Iraq war and all policies of aggression are distracting diversions to take our minds off morally bankrupt servants of tyranny's waste of our precious lives and resources. True patriots, warriors for good over evil, don't have to look far to find something better to do.

Returning troops to front-line duty while they are taking medication such as lithium or Prozac makes me wonder if the method to the unconscionable evil doers' madness is to use the link between psychotropic drugs and violence. There is a link between psychotropic pharmaceuticals and violence including school violence! Users and loved ones beware!

Morally bankrupt profiteers are well on their way to killing the American dream of self government free of big government tyranny and oppression! Let ethics and the free market rule! The Spirit of '76 was the Holy Spirit and is our true North. Some feel the need for a New American Tea Party.

American lovers, disgusted and angry with the way Washington is handling our taxes, insist on the promised accountability, responsibility and transparency. We refuse to accept taxation without representation and reckless spending. On (4/15/ 2009) true patriots, those filled with the Spirit of '76 who are financially able to attend the New American Tea Party are marching in Washington or having a TEA Party of their own, like this one. Those who want their country back but are unable to attend will be there in spirit!

"San Antonians are tea'd off! Tax day is the day to say you’re TEA’d - Taxed Enough Already!!" San Antonio T.E.A. Party co-coordinator Robin Juhl explains, “The Tea parties are just ordinary Americans who believe in preserving American values and principles like faith, freedom and smaller government. It’s not about political parties.” Texans can attend tea parties across the state.

This hoopla about a voter ID is a smokescreen to take our minds off and hide our very real, dangerous to the American way, election fraud. The official sanctioned problem of not being able to audit voting machine computer counts with a paper trail. The company that makes most voting machines also makes ATMs where you always get a hard copy of the transaction. Why make voting machines without this feature? So that you can sell, for big bucks to the highest bidder, machines with programs that flip votes and make elections meaningless. When exit polls and computer counts disagree we need a paper trail to audit for the truth..

Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty staffer Steve Bierfeldt’s appearance on Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano has gone viral. The interview features Steve’s iPhone audio tape of his harassing interrogation by Transportation Safety Administration officials and local police in St. Louis Missouri..

Our Legislators need to realize we are wise to the ways of morally bankrupt servants of tyranny and want a return to our roots of self-government and very limited state and federal government grounded in truth and transparency. They need to help make that happen or plan on finding jobs in the private sector.

My fellow, lovers of liberty hold fast to the American dream, visualize a better world without so much violence, official lawlessness and oppression, believe it into reality. Downsize DC, make that LEAP of faith, let ethics, compassion and the free market rule!

If you get misty at liberty as Howard Wooldridge, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and I do, please dedicate as much time as you can, using the talents you were blessed with, to end the evil we suffer and abolish these insane forms to which we have become accustomed! Take action now, join the Campaign For Liberty!

Compiled and written by Colleen McCool

A Contagious Infection of Knowledge & Truth!

science, compassion, health, human rights, government, police, corruption, violence, drugs, reform, policy, Constitution, Ron Paul, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition