Religion dominated primitive art. Many early religious philosophies have shockingly similar stories. Fighting over religious philosophy is "Religulous!" However in spite of the corruption, ridiculous postulations and bloody wars the Holy Spirit thrives going by many names, centered in many philosophies "God enters by a private door into every individual." Don't throw this baby out with the bath water. Organized Religion has given the Holy Spirit a bad name!

Things of the Spirit are very hard to put into words. No one knows anything for sure. "The highest revelation is that God is in every man." This Spirit is the spark of life in our earthly bodies; a life force being given the choice of good over evil. The Spirit of '76 was the Holy Spirit and is our true North! Our Founders believed our collective Spirit for good would lead to prosperity and abundance. Our oneness and tolerance of our differences will save us!

This feeling of oneness or love gives us more self control, more compassion for others. Today many feel more comfortable calling this feeling a connection to the super consciousness, available to us all if we tap into it. It heals our spirit. If some carry on the ancient tradition of using drugs as a sacrament, to enhance spiritual growth, it is cause for rejoicing not incarceration.

"If the stars should appear but one night every thousand years how man would marvel and stare." When we stand in awe of the wonders of creation, all the animals, all the plants and are struck with the magnificent power and beauty of nature, our spirit connects with our source.

The Almighty Creator (or the super consciousness) is the source of all
creativity. Our individual dreams, the American dream and all dreams of
freedom around the world come from our source. The Holy Spirit or our united spirit has the power to make them manifest.

The truth is out and spreading like wildfire! Cannabis oil cures cancer! This truth will not be suppressed, until every household knows the clamor, the swelling protest, exposing dark, dirty secrets of heinous crimes against humanity! Does anyone you know or love have cancer? It is down right sinister, a crime against humanity, for the medicinal uses of cannabis to be suppressed.

Rick Simpson's CRUSH CANCER with HEMP and TRUTH Internet seminar is offered for your enlightenment and enjoyment!

"Earth laughs in flowers. What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered."

An Internet search for "THC cancer" brings up thousands of research papers from all over the world. Ooooops! Who spilled the beans? SCIENTISTS and PATIENTS all over the world, that's who! The debate over medical marijuana, hemp or cannabis is really a scandalous controversy over whether this very effective, safe and easy-to-grow herb should be allowed to compete with expensive and dangerous pharmaceuticals. Cannabis is the cure all our ancestors relied on and thank goodness, did not let us all be brainwashed into forgetfulness about.

The real visionaries, who laid down our laws, those who defined what an American patriot would be, were rebels with just cause They made it not just our right but our patriotic duty to rebel against big government corruption. It was revolutionary, a giant step away from tyranny! Our founders knew big government would always mean a gang of evildoers.

Big pharmacy lobbyist have paid for road blocks to cannabis research. For all these decades, the medical profession has been treating cancer patients to killer cocktails of antiangiogenesis drugs that cut off the blood supply to tumors while also killing healthy cells! Ifosfamide destroys the patients bladder and kidneys. And as a last hope treatment, thaledomide, the sleeping pill that produced clubfeet and webbed fingers will also starve tumors. These poison drip cocktails come with side effects you can count on to make life no longer worth living.

Radiation is another poisonous, "cure" and surgery often triggers the cancer to spread. We all know someone who has suffered these hellish treatments. One day these, "cures," will be looked on as a step back to the dark ages in medicine. My Mom suffered them, after she went down to skin and bones, she was diagnosed and cured of colon cancer
but the prescription medicines that killed the cancer destroyed her bladder and kidneys, eventually taking her life.

Morally bankrupt profiteering has no place in medicine, which must be
concerned with the well being of the individual not the bottom line. Doctors who have monitored cannabis use by hundreds of thousands of patients in California and Oregon can document a consistent pattern of using less pharmaceuticals including cutting opiates use by half. Repealing prohibition of cannabis would bring other much needed health care reform.

What kind of life, what kind of world do we want to create? Focusing on the true nature of creativity as a spiritual issue, not an ego issue, can help
us transform ourselves and our world. This simple shift in focus creates the nurturing atmosphere needed to work together to overcome obstacles and solve problems.

Recently I was talking to our mutual friend, Ma Freedom about that money hungry beast, Uncle Sam. Remember him, tall thin guy? Well, have you seen him lately? He has become a bloated pig wallowing in a morally bankrupt, bloody, soupy quagmire of his own creation. It's sad.

Uncle Sam has gotten too big for his britches!! Declare your independence from big government corruption and waste of our precious lives and resources. The best way to spread the freedom philosophy is by being a shining example.

Of late, American Government seems senselessly full of inconsistency, incompetence, ghastly mistakes, atrocious dishonor and horrifying shame. Big government and big churches (in God's name) often do more harm than good. Too, many of these folks want to serve God, but only as advisors. "God loves everyone," but probably prefers fruits of the spirit (those with ethics) over religious nuts and morally bankrupt profiteers!

Be brave, that's how we end the terror; by changing our intrusive, big-bully policies, both foreign and domestic. The monetary and environmental costs are staggering and the human suffering unconscionable. Stand tall against morally bankrupt servants of tyranny and free America and the world from their evil ways of gaining power and profit.

Here is a video that explains the history of government and why we swear allegiance to the Republic for which we and our flag stands.

We have freedom of religion, all faiths are welcome here, but we have separation of church and state to keep the government out of moral issues. That is how our founders set things up based on Jesus' teachings.

They were good Christian men led by the holy spirit but money the root of all evil was part of it. They wanted to create the land of abundance. They knew ethics would have to rule for it to work. They warned us to be diligent in protecting our freedom and not let things get out of our control. Ooooops!

Laws against moral issues, like suicide, drug abuse and sex acts are mostly useless or worse counter productive as far as prevention. They are against our founders and Jesus' teachings of freedom of choice, of free will. Moral issues belong to the individual's beliefs or church philosophy.

"As females become sexually active at younger and younger ages, state legislatures have stupidly raised the age at which it is legal to engage in sexual activity. Today, a significant percentage of new prisoners are young men imprisoned for engaging in sexual activity with teenage girls. In the US, criminal justice (sic) has more to do with ruining people than with punishing criminals," says Paul Craig Roberts. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.

In many of these cases the so-called victim did not want to prosecute; meanwhile violent sexual predators get away with murder. Once all voluntary associations were permissible in America -- economic and social.

Have you noticed opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on your front door forever or how forbidden fruits create many jams? Sex and drugs, for both abstinence is safest but few choose it. When individuals remain in control of their own bodies (including drug, alcohol, prescription use) society benefits.

“The less government we have the better.” The government is best left out of our personal moral dilemmas. They are needed to protect us from fraud and violence. At present they are too busy trying to be our moral police instead of our safety police.

Murderers and other violent predators roam free, while we police nonviolent adult social, medicinal and religious drug use. Limited resources can be better-spent catching pedophiles, rapists and killers. More time could go toward stopping DUI and those selling drugs to minors.

Our demented out-of-control drug policies' monetary and environmental costs are staggering and the human suffering is unconscionable. The new
prohibition is about undesirable (in the minds of servant's of tyranny)
citizen control, not drug control.

Weed out morally bankrupt servants of tyranny, gun control fanatics and
racists by taking away the main tool they use these days to extend their
agenda, the new prohibition. Servants of tyranny want you to believe the
evils of the drug war are unintended but felony convictions disenfranchise mostly poor and minority Americans.
Jiminy Cricket, where is their conscience?

Help end the demented new prohibition, help construct better safer drug policies for society and the individual. Take morally bankrupt profiteers, servants of tyranny, gun control fanatics and racists a step closer to being politically dead bodies.

True patriots, lovers of liberty, grow weary of big government fear mongering lies and propaganda. We really do appreciate our officers who "serve and protect."

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition believes repealing the new prohibition will restore justice; trigger less violence, racism, tyranny and ruined lives! Willie Nelson joined LEAP on his 76th birthday!!

Mary Ann Akers the sleuth, gossip columnist for the Washington Post and a camera woman followed Howard Wooldridge around for a couple hours. (4 minute video link ). It's a fun watch. They made the film go fast as in those first moving pictures to demonstrate that Howard has to move fast to meet with staffers of all 540 offices once a year. Could it be a subliminal message referring to the keystone cops?

Our corrupt policies attract too many of those who want to milk it for all it is worth. I encourage you to make the LEAP, help restore justice! Attract more of those who will make our system run with the milk of human kindness.

Prison over population is a policy created nightmare. US Senator (VA) Webb’s S.714 is a bill to establish the National Criminal Justice Commission. A regulated drug market is on the table as a possible solution. It now has 24 Cosponsors. It has been referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

The carnage going on in Mexico is caused by our out-of-control drug policies. It is really misleading to call it a drug war or drug fueled violence. The horrific carnage is triggered by the new prohibition and fueled by official lawlessness.

This unconscionable bloodshed is on the hands of leadership as much as those who pulled the trigger or did the actual butchering and torturing. It is a policy created problem. Remember alcohol prohibition which brought daily exposés of police and political corruption as well as bloody massacres! Not learning from past mistakes is a serious flaw in reasoning, unwanted in leaders.

The statistics reveal that bigotry, intolerance, racial prejudice and discrimination are epidemic in the drug war. The new prohibition fuels corruption of public officials and injustice in our courts. Today we have Tenaha and Tulia, for examples of obvious racism. Help end asset forfeiture! The movie American Violet is about official lawlessness in Hearne.

We need a special task force; we could call them the,“Untouchables?!!” Oh, remember we tried that, to clean up corruption during alcohol prohibition. It escalated the violence but did not strike the root, the obscene profit motive.

A new CATO Institute study by Glenn Greenwald, writer and civil rights lawyer, looked at Portugal's policy of decriminalization and regulation. He found: "While drug addiction, usage, and associated pathologies continue to skyrocket in many European Union states, those problems - in virtually every relevant category - have been either contained or measurably improved within Portugal since 2001. The data showed that regulation did not increase drug use, "that is the central concession that will transform the debate." Greenwald said.

We need to fight drug abuse with compassion; treat nonviolent abusers as patients not criminals. Fight use with factual evidence! We are diminishing the use of tobacco with the campaign, Knowledge is Contagious, so Infect Truth! Educate people and they will make better choices for themselves.

True education is our most important duty; the way out of ignorance and repression. Do not doubt history will mark this time as a new beginning for a period of enlightenment and abundance. Marijuana is safer than alcohol, which is eight times more likely to cause violence, over indulgence can cause death and other dangers to users' health. Patients swear cannabis is an effective, safer replacement for dangerous, expensive pharmaceuticals.

Abraham Lincoln had it right. Our task should not be to invoke religion and the name of God by claiming God's blessing and endorsement for all our national polices and practices -- saying, in effect, that God is on our side. Rather, Lincoln said, we should pray and worry earnestly whether we are on God's side."- Jim Wallis author of GOD'S POLITICS.

In this frame of mind, with modern unbiased, science based statistical
reporting our worries are over. We can see where our laws are causing more harm than good and change accordingly. Empirical statistical evidence strongly shows that a republic leads to less internal violence and democide. Democide is a term coined by political scientist R. J. Rummel in his book, DEATH by GOVERNMENT to describe "the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder."

Changing whose in charge will not affect much. The real cause of this huge quagmire of failed policy is the beast, big government, that money hungry beast, Uncle Sam! Ma Freedom tells it like it is! The beauty of it is when we focus on downsizing our government we regain our roots of self-government and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and future generations. The World Trade Organization and the United Nations are more big government, money hungry beasts that we must tame or cut down to size.

I want a return to the founding principles clearly stated in America's
founding documents, don't you? These documents define a true patriot as rebel with just cause. A true patriot is one who sees evil being suffered
by the people and bears the duty, not just a right to protest, but the duty to work, to abolish whatever forms of evil they have become accustomed to.

America's founding principles in a nut shell are what we want. We want a
return to our roots of self-government and very limited state and federal government grounded in ethics, truth and transparency. We want liberty or freedom from morally bankrupt big government taxation, tyranny and oppression.

Two months after its introduction, HR 1207, Congressman Paul's bill to Audit the Fed, now has 109 cosponsors! Many true patriots helped make this happen. To check if your Rep has become a cosponsor click the link and type in your zip. You can check the bill status on the Library of Congress website, Thomas.

"Some people say our program to reduce the federal government goes too far, that it throws the baby out with the bath water. But we have no choice -- this is Rosemary's baby we're talking about." - Harry Browne, Downsize DC cofounder, "Liberty A to Z"

Join the Easy Revolution. The web is the fastest growing communications medium in the history of the world. A powerful tool, a window of opportunity, in our war of good over evil; the Internet continues to revolutionize the way we communicate and has enormous potential for reshaping the political process.

I am very hopeful, more than I have been in a long time of America turning back to our roots of self-government, aren't you? Get tough on violent crime and let nonviolent people make their own health
Save the children, just say NO to prohibition! Trigger less violence, racism, tyranny and ruined lives!

Help restore justice. Please contact your Legislators: US Senate, House, TX Senate, House.

"It is said that the world is in a state of bankruptcy, that the world owes the world more than the world can pay."

How much more evil do we have to suffer before we abolish these insane forms to which we have become accustomed? Take action now join the Campaign For Liberty! Some feel the need for swelling the protest started at the New American Tea Parties.

Dear reader, your reward for getting to this point is to know the unmarked quotes throughout this piece are by Ralph Waldo Emerson. I will let him have the final words, " The sky is the daily bread of the eyes. Hitch your wagon to a star. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved. Every artist was first an amateur. Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you."

Compiled and written by Colleen McCool

True Patriotism & Virtuous Weed Rediscovered!

science, compassion, health, human rights, government, police, corruption, violence, drugs, reform, policy, Constitution, Ron Paul, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition