A safe, peaceful world for ourselves and future generations is the mighty dream that unites us. Modern communication and truthful information sharing has improved our connections to each other. We are no longer ignorant sheeple easily enslaved, defrauded and led to waste our precious lives and resources.

Calling all patriots, all rebels with just cause! Whether you know yourself to be libertarian, liberal, conservative, democrat, republican, etc., please refuse to be boxed in by differences in these philosophies or any partyline. The issues we agree on unite us across these lines. We all want a safer, kinder, more secure world for future generations and our loved ones today. To achieve this transformation we must streamline the system. Uncle Sam has become a bloated evil doer, under the guise of good intentions, just as our Founders warned.

Many are awakening to see this truth that at the core we are united. The morally bankrupt, fear mongering military industrial complex, the equably without ethics drug warriors and banksters are the evil doers our Founding Documents are meant to protect us from. The Holy Spirit, that I have faith in, wants peace for mankind. Those who think we can not settle our difference without violence are ignorant, abhorrent, vicious barbarians.

"War seems to me to be a mean, contemptible thing: I would rather be hacked in pieces than take part in such an abominable business. And yet so high, in spite of everything, is my opinion of the human race that I believe this bogey would have disappeared long ago, had the sound sense of the nations not been systematically corrupted by commercial and political interests acting through the schools and the Press," exclaims the brilliant, Albert Einstein.

Save the American Dream! Move US out of the dark ages of war by returning to our roots, self-government; free of big government tyranny and oppression.

An Enormous Crime is the "Definitive Account of American POWs Abandoned in Southeast Asia" at the end of the Vietnam war by Former U.S. Rep. Bill Hendon (R-NC) and attorney, Elizabeth A. Stewart. Veterans of more recent conflicts are not treated any better. "The Air Force dumped the incinerated partial remains of at least 274 American troops in a Virginia landfill..."

"This is the first ever espionage conviction against a whistleblower. It is a dangerous precedent and an example of national security extremism. It is a short sighted judgment that can not be tolerated and must be reversed. It can never be that conveying true information to the public is 'espionage.'" - Julian Assange -Statement on Bradley Manning

As a purgative for the crappola fed to Americans about Hugo Chavez, Greg Palast's foundation is offering the film, The Assassination of Hugo Chavez, as a free download. Here's WHY Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is willing to defy the United States and offer political asylum to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

With modern unbiased, science based statistical reporting, brave whistleblowers and truth tellers our worries are over. We can see where our leaders and laws are causing more harm than good and change accordingly. Empirical statistical evidence strongly shows that a republic (the American form of government) leads to less internal violence and democide. Democide is a term coined by political scientist R. J. Rummel in his book, DEATH by GOVERNMENT to describe "the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder.

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~ This is a great description of our people who are still blind to the tyranny we suffer!

All who follow a code of ethics or principles are self-governors. Our system is meant to protect the self-governors from those without ethics and principles; perpetrators of fraud, rape and violence. The state does not run the affairs of people in a free society. It upholds justice between people who conduct their own affairs.

Restore Justice! Get tough on violent crime! Drug warriors and former military can get their adrenaline rush catching murderers and rapists! I am afraid! The huge backlog of unsolved crimes allows many savage, vicious, guilty people to walk our streets! This is a real terror threat that needs more focus!

News reports based on FBI statistics show that somewhere between 35%-40% of homicides in the US go unsolved year after year!

In a CNN interview with Fareed Zakaria 'former Canadian media baron, Conrad Black commented on our justice system, "It is in a terrible condition. 99.5% of your prosecutions are successful, compared to about 60% in Canada, and 50% in Britain. It's not because your prosecutors are better, it's because the system is too one-sided. You've got 5% of the worlds population, 25% of its incarcerated people, and nearly 50% of its qualified lawyers. It's a terrible problem."

He added, "And the plea bargain system is just an outrage. It's simply the extortion of incriminating perjury with an immunity for perjury in exchange for not being prosecuted or for a reduced sentence. "

"It's not justice and certainly has made a shambles of America's claim to being a bastion of human and civil rights and it's put the Bill of Rights to the shredder." -Black emphatically stated.

The drug laws have created a real civil liberties horror story. Unjust laws lead to a prevalent disrespect for all law. Unjust laws make folks feel justified in breaking them and other laws.

Want Justice For Trayvon Martin? Legalize Drugs!

Moral bankruptcy does NOT cease to be wicked because everybody's doing it. Nor do unethical, unconstitutional habits that have become par for the course by too many of our leaders mean they stop being morally reprehensible, disgraceful and objectionable.

How I wish we would just shut down permanently all government agencies devoted to "protecting" US from making our own decisions about sex and drugs.

Reuters Exclusive: U.S. directs agents to cover up program used to investigate Americans The unit of the DEA that distributes "information from intelligence intercepts, wiretaps, informants and a massive database of telephone records to authorities across the nation to help them launch criminal investigations of Americans" is called the Special Operations Division, or SOD. Let's start the shut down with this division of the DEA. Tell them to SOD Off!! as the English are fond of saying!

The Freedom Index: A Congressional Scorecard Based on the US Constitution is one super cool tool!! What's wrong is they swear to uphold our Constitution but too many DO NOT!

The honorable Steve Stockman - Dist. 36 follows the US Constitution with his votes 100% of the time! Senator Cruz does 90% of the time. 6 more follow the Constitution 70-75% of the time. All the other 30 national leaders from the Lone star State are failing US on too many issues.

Find your Senators and Representatives bad scores and give them an F in an email. Tell them they have lost your vote! Especially servants of tyranny like Pete Gallego - Dist. 23 who gets a big fat 0! Eleven follow the Constitution below 27% of the time!

Plain, Honest Men: The Making of the American Constitution ...."captures the nuances and complexities of the compromises that the Framers made. Knowing when to stand firm on principle or when to find common ground with your fellow citizens is the most important, and also the most difficult, activity..." The Founders struggled so hard and in most cases wisely held to their high principles. They compromised those ideals by letting the abolition of slavery be a just cause saved for the future. Another just cause saved for later adjustment was that none of these astute men proposed women be allowed to vote.

They were good men led by the Holy Spirit but money, the love of which is the root of all evil, was part of it. They wanted to create the land of abundance. They knew ethics would have to rule for it to work. The Spirit of '76 was the Holy Spirit and is our true north.

End Lobbying! Promote the free market! Morally bankrupt financiers, empire builders and leaders in their pockets make capitalism abhorrent with their predatory capitalism. Predatory capitalism due to big government interference and protection destroys people. Benign or ethical capitalism, America's founders' vision of the free market, creates a world of abundance for all.

We need Justice to stop predatory capitalists. We have 50% of the world's lawyers, more of them could work to stop the powerful who operate without ethics. They buy our officials and often sell inferior, fraudulent, unsafe product or both.

A perfect totally free market is pure fantasy just like a perfect totally violence free society is a dream. They may be goals never reached but these are still goals worth striving toward! There definitely is such a thing as ethics and ethical capitalism in a free market creates a world of abundance.

We don't need moral police for our sex lives or drug use, we need quality control and safety standards enforced. The UL model (the trusted source across the globe for product safety compliance) might work better to protect us from predatory capitalists.

Research it for yourself. The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 was passed to reduce the size of the hemp industry largely through the efforts of Randolph Hearst, and the Du Pont family to protect their timber interests. "I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree".....But these predatory capitalists were quite willing to ravage our forests to make paper pulp. Hemp was also too much competition for nylon, the Du Pont family's new synthetic fiber. The Act also won support from racists to curb the flood of immigrants from Mexico.

Some believe there is a “sea change” in America’s approach to criminal punishment! It is an opportune moment for the reform movement to build campaigns around pardoning the nonviolent to end drug war injustice.

Moral politicians and governments learn from their mistakes. We all accept that alcohol prohibition was a mistake but did we learn anything? Drug prohibition has triggered violence, corruption and led to a prevalent disrespect for all law just as the "noble experiment" did.. What was " gentle, highborn, imperial, kingly, patrician, queenly, titled, wellborn," about it? I know, it made kings and queens of monetary kingdoms for those willing to profit by breaking the law. As well as allowing morally bankrupt tyrants, bullies and violent individuals in law enforcement free reign.

Radley Balko's new book, "Rise of the Warrior Cop," serves up a blow-by-blow history of our decline into a police state. He recounts police raid upon police raid gone terribly awry, resulting in a senseless loss of life. Violent bullies and rapists get away with murder, while our precious lives and resources are wasted chasing nonviolent rebels defying archaic, morally bankrupt drug laws.

A whopping 49.5% of all drug-violation arrests are connected to marijuana!

Five Mind-Blowing Charts on the War on Pot! An ACLU report reveals the stunning scope and costs of marijuana prohibition.

We are responsible, we built our current "justice system" and we can tear tyranny down and restore Justice! We can save the American Dream of self-government.

A declaration is an affirmation. Independence means self-government. They could have called it, The Affirmation of Self-Government. However I am sure we can all agree, The Declaration of Independence, sounds way more cool! Our founding document, announces and asserts our affirmation of self-government; freedom and liberty for all.

Kablooey! Cannabis rockets toward mainstream bursting the feds bubble of lies! They don't want us to grow our own medicine or social drug, etc......but that is tough and the tyrannical predatory capitalists can just suck it up!

"Did the War on Drugs just end?" ask columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. at the Miami Herald. It is just the beginning of the end! Here are some recent baby steps:

DC is considering legislation to eliminate criminal penalties under District law for the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana!

The Feds will no longer charge nonviolent, low-level drug offenders with offenses under mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines.

"The attorney general also stated, "17 states have directed money away from prison construction and toward programs and services such as treatment and supervision that are designed to reduce the problem of repeat offenders." Dear reader, I was happy to find in Texas we saw, "a reduction in the prison population of more than 5,000 inmates last year," by investing in drug treatment for nonviolent offenders and by long overdue changes to parole policies.

New York City’s stop-and-frisk policy has been ruled unconstitutional!!

If your Doctor is still stuck in "REEFER MADNESS" then encourage them to watch “Weed” – a one hour documentary by CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Doctors are being
medically irresponsible
if they are aiding the government in continuing the lies that marijuana is deadly addictive and with no medical use. “Every 19 minutes someone dies of a prescription drug overdose - [it] doesn’t happen with marijuana.”

Many as well as this politician call marijuana/cannabis/hemp a weed, it is not a "weed" as defined as "an invasive, useless plant." It is as easy to grow as a "weed" but is a useful agricultural product to be cultured, cultivated, and allowed into the market stream to compete with pharmaceuticals (medicine), alcohol (social drug), tobacco (psychoactive substance), cotton (fiber), wheat (food), coffee (stimulant), wood (paper & building materials), etc.

Drug warriors say marijuana/cannabis is not medicine. The pharmaceutical companies synthesize the active ingredient in marijuana/cannabis into a pill they call Marinol and magically it is legal medicine worth big bucks! I haven't heard anyone or seen anyone's testimony in print bragging on this pill form. A free market with limited safety and quality controls is a better buy for non-gardeners but becoming a knowledgeable gardener is the best, safest for our health. Growing and processing our own herbal supplements would really rock!

Oil of oregano is one of the supplements I take daily. I would love to try to wean myself from the pharmaceuticals and level out my blood pressure with oil of cannabis. I have read testimonies that it is possible to do just that! It should be available to everyone just like other herbal remedies.

It is morally bankrupt to punish nonviolent adults for making a safer health choice, cannabis or marijuana, compared to other medicinal/social drugs. The tobacco, alcohol and prescription drug gangs cause more death annually than all illicit drugs!

Really violent predators roam free and rape kits go unprocessed while our precious resources are depleted chasing nonviolent drug users.

Less than 1% of US are actually addicted to anything illegal. About 9% are alcoholics. Treatment is seven times cheaper than prison.

Show fiscal responsibility, demand morally correct policy! Restore Justice, the guardian of liberty!

We will have better control when a much larger share of law enforcement resources are spent on catching murderers and the violent sexual offenders. Another plus would be to focus more budget on prevention by intervention with those showing a tendency toward violence or rape.

Its not a perfect answer just better.

IT'S TIME FOR HEMP PROHIBITION TO END! Tune in to a global cannabis summit the whole world can attend.

ELAN (Elevating Life Attitudes Now) is a motivational blog encouraging readers to live in 3-D!, "Discovering your passion, Developing the tools to turn that passive passion into action in order to Deliver it to your world, large or small."

I salute true patriots, rebels with just cause who do everything they are able to do to realize the American dream! A dream worth striving for: of self-government; freedom from big government tyranny and oppression! Strengthen our system, set it to rights! Escape from tyranny! End Lobbying! Moral bankruptcy destroys!

The real cause of this huge quagmire of failed policy is the beast, big government, that money hungry beast, Uncle Sam! Ma Freedom tells it like it is! The beauty of it is when we focus on down-sizing our government we regain our roots of self-government and secure the blessings of liberty for future generations and ourselves.

Together we will ...Restore Justice, the Guardian of Liberty! and Save the American Dream!!

Compiled and written by (my maiden name was Henry) Colleen McCool

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Moral bankruptcy destroys US! Self-Government Restores Justice!