Considering the shocking torture and contemptible official lawlessness exposed throughout the war on terror; it has become a horrifying shame, an atrocious dishonor, too ghastly to be ignored.

The movie Body of Lies is a torturing indictment of the war on terror; beastly big government fear mongering to make us more accepting of their waste of our precious lives and resources. In God's name we are here to learn to love each other, celebrate our similarities and be tolerant of our differences. It is blasphemy to kill in God's name. There is but one God no matter what name you call him. Our CIA and many of our big government agencies are bodies of lies, promoting oppression and tyranny. They are traitors to the republic for which we stand.

In response to an ACLU lawsuit seeking government torture documents, the CIA acknowledged that it destroyed 92 tapes of detainee interrogations. These servants of tyranny made a systematic attempt to evade a court order and hide evidence of their deep involvement in harsh interrogation techniques. Unconscionably, the CIA withheld these tapes during the 9/11 Commission investigation.

Educate the powerful, be brave and end the terror by changing our intrusive, big-bully policies, both foreign and domestic. The monetary and environmental costs are staggering and the human suffering unconscionable. Take action now join the Campaign For Liberty!

Congressman Paul introduced H.R. 1207, Federal Reserve Transparency Act, with 11 cosponsors.Truth and transparency from our leaders is imperative! We will be derelict in our duties to maintain an in fact, free republic if we don't insist on it. Truth not lies and big government propaganda from the free press is of the essence, crucial to maintaining freedom from oppression and tyranny.

Of late, our world seems senselessly full of inconsistency, incompetence, ghastly mistakes, atrocious dishonor and horrifying shame. Abolish the FDA and the DEA!

Does anyone you know or love have cancer? Eleven thousand people recently raced for a cure in El Paso, but we actually seem to be running from the cure!! It is down right sinister, a crime against humanity, for the medicinal uses of cannabis to be suppressed.

THC is the active ingredient in cannabis. Watch the herb in action in the Seth Group's petri dish. An internet search for "THC cancer" brings up thousands of research papers from all over the world. Ooooops! Who spilled the beans? SCIENTISTS and PATIENTS worldwide, that's who!

Patients testify to Cannabis' help in treating post traumatic stress, chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, gastrointestinal (GI) tract disorders, Alzheimer's, Cancer, epilepsy, glaucoma, hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS and more! They swear it is an effective safer replacement for very dangerous pharmaceuticals.

Profiteering has no place in medicine, which must be concerned with the well being of the individual not the bottom line. Doctors who have monitored cannabis use by hundreds of thousands of patients in California and Oregon can document a consistent pattern of using less pharmaceuticals including cutting opiates use by half. Repealing prohibition of marijuana would bring other much needed healthcare reform.

Cannabis is the safest health choice in social drugs and as medicine; it does not have the negative side effects of many prescription drugs. It is reefer madness policy to equate use with abuse and to punish nonviolent people for a safer choice. We can never agree on everything but surely we can agree that responsible behavior; weighing the choices and making a safer, wiser decision is to be encouraged in America not criminalized.

A policy that disregards science and punishes families of citizens, confiscating their property for making a safer health choice in a social or medicinal drug is policy bordering on insanity. It is another atrocious scandal, too ghastly to be ignored, more explosive than sex in the oval office! Yet where are the headlines? Where is the outrage in major news media? Are they like Mexican journalists, afraid to tell truth to power? Fear losing their jobs not their lives, so far at least.

The statistics reveal that bigotry, intolerance, racial prejudice and discrimination are epidemic in the drug war. The new prohibition fuels corruption of public officials and injustice in our courts. The official lawlessness exposed in Tenaha, Tulia, etc. is the tip of the corruption iceberg. Help end asset forfeiture!

Harassing the sick and dying over their medicinal use is the most un-American activity I can think of! Texas Legislature is considering medical marijuana reform. Ask your representative to support House Bill 164.

HB 902 has high hopes of amending minor marijuana possession penalties to a maximum fine of $500, but no jail time so join the easy revolution click that link, write your rep.

Across America paramilitary drug raids trigger violence rather than lesson the risk.

Julie Watson in an Austin American Statesman article gives us an up close and personal look at the carnage going on in Mexico because of our out-of-control drug policies. We can change to a better, safer drug policy.

This unconscionable bloodshed is on the hands of leadership as much as those who pulled the trigger or did the actual butchering and torturing. It is a policy created problem. Remember alcohol prohibition which brought daily exposés of police and political corruption as well as bloody massacres! Not learning from past mistakes is a serious flaw in reasoning, unwanted in leaders.

All the unnecessary deaths triggered by our drug policies and terror policies are democide (death by government). Servants of tyranny play on our fears to make us more accepting of their waste of our precious lives and resources. How much more evil do we have to suffer before we abolish these insane forms to which we have become accustomed?

Some of our leaders live in a state of denial. Others are like bad horsemen; too concerned about staying in the saddle to worry about where they are headed. Many are outright servants of tyranny; good at ignoring the rule of law, history and science while catering to the needs of special interests but very bad at determining what is best or safer for the individual or society.

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition says 'We Can Do It Again', calling for an end to drug prohibition. Users of drugs and the drugs themselves are not responsible for this violence. Users and drugs have been on this planet for eons without bloodbaths. Prohibition triggers the violence and corruption. Change to a better drug policy.

The outrageous violence and official lawlessness triggered by the drug war will end with repeal just as these policy created problems disappeared with repeal of alcohol prohibition.

But how can we stop other violence in our society? Protective restraining orders fail to do the trick too often.

I suggest getting really tough on violent crime. Murderers and other violent predators roam free, while we police nonviolent adult social, medicinal and religious drug use. Limited resources can be better-spent catching pedophiles, rapists and killers. More time could go toward stopping DUI and those selling drugs to minors.

When a murderer is caught and convicted, why not take away their ability to reproduce as part of their punishment? Vicious, brutal, aggressive behavior would become less and less common. It can be bred out of us as it has been done in animals.

Considering the oppression, the atrocious carnage and official lawlessness triggered by the new prohibition; the worst public policy since slavery is a gory, blood-spattered scandal, a volatile disgrace more explosive than sex in the oval office!

Speaking of truth and transparency, present policy falsehoods and scare tactics undermine our credibility. Effective drug education based on medical science builds student's confidence to make informed responsible choices. We want to encourage drug free behavior not awaken their curiosity. Truth, trust and reason encourage open communications between youth, parents and faculties. Could used-to-be drug czar John P. Walters middle name be "Pinocchio" by any chance? He should be tripping over his snoze by now; with his continuous spouting of so much fear mongering, big government lies and propaganda.

Ask the President to show himself to be a true servant of the people and grant pardons for medical marijuana providers already in prison. Go beyond stopping medical marijuana raids and stop all SWAT style drug raids; abolish the DEA! Make some kind of reparations for the policy caused harm to all nonviolent drug users and their families. Abolish the Drug Czar's office and put drug policy where it belongs under the Surgeon General. Restore justice in America; construct science based drug policies about saving and rehabilitating instead of ruining lives.

Currently marijuana is more easily purchased by our children than regulated alcohol or cigarettes Nonviolent drug abuse is a sickness, not a crime. We will do a better job preventing overdose deaths, of keeping intoxicated folks off the road and
our children drug free if we are not policing nonviolent adult social, medicinal and religious drug use.

Hard core warriors can get their adrenaline rush increasing public safety; chasing murderers and other violent predators. Regulation, science based education and treating abuse as a medical problem is a better drug policy that increases public safety and harm reduction.

Support for wars of aggression and the federal war on drugs is inconsistent
with support for individual freedom, constitutional government and the
teachings of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Return America to our roots of self-government free of tyranny and oppression. Get tough on violent crime! Tell truth to power! You can contact President Obama and let him know your thoughts.

You can digg it (this article) and other change to a better drug policy articles; just join digg: Pat Buchanan Says We Must Consider Legalizing Drugs In the WSJ: Bushs Drug Czar Still Whining About Legalization and more under political opinion.

Compiled and written by Colleen McCool

Traitors to the Republic for which We Stand!

science, compassion, health, human rights, government, police, corruption, violence, drugs, reform, policy, Constitution, Ron Paul, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition