Morally bankrupt profiteers are well on their way to killing the American dream of self government free of big government tyranny and oppression! Let ethics and the free market rule!

If you get misty at liberty as Howard Wooldridge, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and I do, please dedicate as much time as you can, using the talents you were blessed with, to end the evil we suffer and abolish these insane forms to which we have become accustomed! Take action now, join the Campaign For Liberty!

Here is a little civil disobedience that might have got the point across that true American patriots, lovers of liberty, are taking a stand for the American dream once again! It turned out to be an April Fool's joke.

"We have received hundreds of questions about an email circulating that urges folks to send tea to Washington on April 1st or April 15th. This effort is not endorsed by the New American Tea Party, so we can’t answer any questions about it. It is a neat idea, but things like that will likely either be held up getting scanned or end up getting thrown away due to security precautions."

American lovers, disgusted and angry with the way Washington is handling our taxes, insist on the promised accountability, responsibility and transparency. We refuse to accept taxation without representation and reckless spending. On (4/15/ 2009) true patriots, those filled with the Spirit of '76 who are financially able to attend the New American Tea Party are marching on Washington instead of sending a fool TEA BAG. The rest of us will be there in Spirit!

Congressman Paul introduced H.R. 1207, Federal Reserve Transparency Act, with 11 cosponsors. Truth and transparency from our leaders is imperative! We will be derelict in our duties to maintain an in fact, free republic if we don't insist on it.

"The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets." -- Will Rogers

Greed is a dirty word. Morally bankrupt profiteers are killing us, stomping all over our precious ideals and dragging our beloved flag and reputation in a senseless bloody trail of shame.

Many of today's leaders seem to have minds like concrete; thoroughly mixed up and permanently set. Blinded by the light of billions in tax and lobby money; bleeding leaders, thus corrupted, are blithely unconscious of the societal harm their policies cause. Jiminy Cricket, where is their conscience?

Some of our leaders live in a state of denial. Others are like bad horseman; too concerned about staying in the saddle to worry about where they are headed. Many are outright servants of tyranny; good at ignoring the rule of law, history and science while catering to the needs of special interests but very bad at determining what is best or safer for the individual or society.

Do you know which morally bankrupt special interests the servants of tyranny cater to, wasting our precious lives and resources? The tobacco, alcohol and prescription drug gangs cause more death annually than all illicit drugs. Those three plus the military industrial complex, the financiers, the health care industry, any group that enjoys obscene profits preying on the death and suffering of others is morally bankrupt.

We have freedom of religion, all faiths are welcome here, but we have
separation of church and state to keep the government out of moral issues. That is how our founders set things up based on Jesus' teachings. They were good Christian men led by the holy spirit but money the root of all evil was part of it. They wanted to create the land of abundance. They knew ethics would have to rule for it to work.

The Spirit of '76 was the Holy Spirit and is our true North. Some feel the need for a New American Tea Party. Let ethics and the free market rule!

Why We Must Fix Our Prisons is a insightful article in Parade magazine by Senator Jim Webb. Over population is a policy created nightmare. Help restore justice.

Take away the main tool servants of tyranny, gun control freaks and racists use these days to extend their agenda, the new prohibition.

Users have been around for eons with out this violent bloodletting except during the first "Noble" experiment. Not learning from past mistakes is a serious flaw in reasoning, unwanted in leaders. It is really misleading to call it a drug war or drug fueled violence. The horrific carnage is triggered by the new prohibition and fueled by official lawlessness.

Across America paramilitary drug raids trigger violence rather than lessen the risk. It is called, "Overkill" to use such force on a nonviolent health issue. This unconscionable bloodshed is on the hands of leadership as much as those who pulled the trigger or did the actual butchering and torturing. It is a policy created problem.

The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is having hearings on the violence in Mexico. Please send them a REPEAL the new prohibition message. Please contact your Legislators: US Senate, House, TX Senate, House.

Save the children, just say NO to prohibition! Trigger less violence, racism, tyranny and ruined lives! Restore justice in America; construct science based drug policies about saving and rehabilitating instead of ruining lives. Support for the federal war on drugs is inconsistent with support for individual freedom, constitutional government and the teachings of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

True patriots, lovers of liberty, grow weary of big government fear mongering, lies, cover-ups and propaganda. Uncle Sam that morally bankrupt, money hungry beast seems senselessly full of inconsistency, incompetence, ghastly mistakes, atrocious dishonor and horrifying shame.

Here's a despicable crying shame that happened in Texas but is a battle cry to a nation, "Morally bankrupt leaders are WACKO!"

A clip in the documentary, Waco: The Rules of Engagement,
shows then Sen. Joe Biden, now vice president telling the same lies
as Janet Reno and their Washington cohorts: that the Branch Davidians started the fire, disputing scientific evidence such as the FLIR. Testimonies by forensics experts, FLIR and witnesses show the FBI lied about not firing into the compound.

What started as a publicity stunt for ATF and great chance to play with their toys became a 51 day standoff that resulted in the deaths of 76 people, including two pregnant women and 21 children. Some too horrific to be contemplated. It is not easy to watch.

They were accused of using drugs and child abuse but the local sheriff says he found no evidence. They bought and sold guns as a side line to make money and so they had an inventory of weapons but they only fired back in self defense according to survivor trials. The whole operation was controlled from DC and then they played CYA! Someone in power was afraid of these children really carrying out bible prophecy as Koresh himself believed! What madness rules us!!!


Considering the shocking torture and contemptible official lawlessness exposed throughout the war on terror; it has become a horrifying shame, an atrocious dishonor, too ghastly to be ignored. Our CIA and many of our big government agencies are bodies of lies, promoting oppression and tyranny. They are traitors to the republic for which we stand.

Ask President Obama to stand tall for our Republic and the rule of law, ask him to end torture, wars, and all policies of aggression.

Educate the powerful, be brave and end the terror by changing our intrusive, big-bully policies, both foreign and domestic. The monetary and environmental costs are staggering and the human suffering unconscionable.

The Spirit of '76 was the Holy Spirit and is our true North. It is blasphemy to kill in God's name.

Compiled and written by Colleen McCool

science, compassion, health, human rights, government, police, corruption, violence, drugs, reform, policy, Constitution, Ron Paul, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Morally Bankrupt Profiteers Kill the American Dream!